23 ก.ย. 2554

MongoDB Install

mongo DB Install

            1.      Go to download page http://www.mongodb.org/downloads
            download OS  and Source in use 

For java use library jar file download  https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-java-driver/downloads
2. When get all file

Extract OS and Source file
Create floder to store C: my_mongo_dir

Create a data directory
By default MongoDB will store data in \data\db, but it won't automatically create that folder, so we do so here:
C:\> mkdir \data
C:\> mkdir \data\db

       3. Run
Run and connect to the server
The important binaries for a first run are:
·         mongod.exe - the database server. Try mongod --help to see startup options.
·         mongo.exe - the administrative shell
To run the database, click mongod.exe in Explorer, or run it from a CMD window.
C:\> cd \my_mongo_dir\bin
C:\my_mongo_dir\bin> mongod
Note: It is also possible to run the server as a Windows Service. But we can do that later.
Now, start the administrative shell, either by double-clicking mongo.exe in Explorer, or from the CMD prompt. By default mongo.exe connects to a mongod server running on localhost and uses the database named test. Run mongo --help to see other options.
C:\> cd \my_mongo_dir\bin
C:\my_mongo_dir\bin> mongo
> // the mongo shell is a javascript shell connected to the db
> // by default it connects to database 'test' at localhost
> 3+3
> db
> // the first write will create the db:
> db.foo.insert( { a : 1 } )
> db.foo.find()
{ _id : ..., a : 1 }
> show dbs
> show collections
> help

Java Code Example
package ball;

* Simple Example that shows creating a people (id:number, name:string,
* gender:string) collection and then adding, finding, updating and deleting.
* You need to download and install MongoDB (www.mongodb.org) and run the
* server. You’ll also need to have the mongo-1.2.jar in your class path.

import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject;
import com.mongodb.DB;
import com.mongodb.DBCollection;
import com.mongodb.DBCursor;
import com.mongodb.Mongo;
import com.mongodb.MongoException;

* @author vsbabu
public class MongoManager {
       public MongoManager(){
       private void Mongo() {
              System.out.println("Start ");
              try {
                     Mongo m = new Mongo("localhost", 27017);
                     DB db = m.getDB("sampledb");
                     DBCollection coll = db.getCollection("people");

                     // clear records if any
                     DBCursor cur = coll.find();
                     while (cur.hasNext())

                     // create a unique ascending index on id;
                     //doesn’t seem to work? it works from python and javascript
                     coll.ensureIndex(new BasicDBObject("id", 1).append("unique", true));
                     coll.createIndex(new BasicDBObject("name", 1));
                     coll.insert(makePersonDocument(6655, "James", "male"));
                     coll.insert(makePersonDocument(6797, "Bond", "male"));
                     coll.insert(makePersonDocument(6643, "Cheryl", "female"));
                     coll.insert(makePersonDocument(7200, "Scarlett", "female"));
                     coll.insert(makePersonDocument(6400, "Jacks", "male"));
                     System.out.println("Total Records : " + coll.getCount());

                     cur = coll.find();
                     printResults(cur, "Find All Records");

                     cur = coll.find(new BasicDBObject("id", 6655));
                     printResults(cur, "Find id = 6655");

                     cur = coll.find(new BasicDBObject()
                                  .append("id", new BasicDBObject("$lte", 6700)));
                     printResults(cur, "Find id <= 6700");

                     cur = coll.find(new BasicDBObject()
                                  .append("id", new BasicDBObject("$lte", 6700))
                                  .append("gender", "male"));
                     printResults(cur, "Find id <= 6700 and gender = male");

                     cur = coll.find(new BasicDBObject()
                                  .append("name", Pattern.compile("^ja.*?s$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)))
                                  .sort(new BasicDBObject("name", -1));
                     printResults(cur, "Find name like Ja%s and sort reverse by name");
                     cur = coll.find(new BasicDBObject()
                                  .append("gender", "female"))
                                  .sort(new BasicDBObject("id", -1))
                     printResults(cur, "Get top 2 (by id) ladies");
                     //let us reduce every body’s phone numbers by 10; add Sir to males, Mme to ladies
                     cur  = coll.find();
                     while(cur.hasNext()) {
                           BasicDBObject set = new BasicDBObject("$inc", new BasicDBObject("id", -10));
                           if ("male".equals(cur.next().get("gender")))
                                  set.append("$set", new BasicDBObject("name", "Sir ".concat((String) cur.curr().get("name"))));
                                  set.append("$set", new BasicDBObject("name", "Mme ".concat((String) cur.curr().get("name"))));
                           coll.update(cur.curr(), set);
                     cur  = coll.find();
                     printResults(cur, "All, after id and name update");
              catch (UnknownHostException ex) {
              catch (MongoException ex) {

       private void RunCommand() {
                try {
                                  Process p = Runtime
                                     .exec("rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler C:/mongodb/bin");
                                  JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Open mongod.exe");
                       } catch (Exception ex) {
       public static void main(String[] args) {
              new MongoManager();

       private static void printResults(DBCursor cur, String message) {
              System.out.println("<<<<<<<<<< " + message + " >>>>>>>>>>>>");
              while (cur.hasNext()) {
                     System.out.println(cur.next().get("id") + "," + cur.curr().get("name") + "," + cur.curr().get("gender"));

       private static BasicDBObject makePersonDocument(int id, String name, String gender) {
              BasicDBObject doc = new BasicDBObject();
              doc.put("id", id);
              doc.put("name", name);
              doc.put("gender", gender);
              return doc;


Output will look like below
Total Records : 5
<<<<<<<<<< Find All Records >>>>>>>>>>>>
<<<<<<<<<< Find id = 6655 >>>>>>>>>>>>
<<<<<<<<<< Find id <= 6700 >>>>>>>>>>>>
<<<<<<<<<< Find id <= 6700 and gender = male >>>>>>>>>>>>
<<<<<<<<<< Find name like Ja%s and sort reverse by name >>>>>>>>>>>>
<<<<<<<<<< Get top 2 (by id) ladies >>>>>>>>>>>>
<<<<<<<<<< All, after id and name update >>>>>>>>>>>>
6645,Sir James,male
6787,Sir Bond,male
6633,Mme Cheryl,female
7190,Mme Scarlett,female
6390,Sir Jacks,male

